The Beauty of Connection

The world’s a little crazy right now

In my ordinary life, like many of us, my usual days are spent going from one event or appointment to the next. I see the usual people in my usual places: at the gym, at work, at home with family, and out with friends. It’s all so usual, so ordinary. So everyday. Like autopilot, they’re all there.

As the old adage goes, “you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone.” Now, I don’t mean to sound dramatic. Of course, in reality, all of those people still exist, are still alive and present in the world. And for that I am very grateful.

My point is that in the crazy state of the world right now, in the state of masks and mass testing, and in the state of social distancing, I miss the ordinary. I miss the ordinary people.

The Magic of Ordinary Days

Leading up to the recent suggestion for social distancing, I was already taking a crash course at home with the flu. As I began to realize that my two-week hiatus from my ordinary days and the usual people would be indefinitely prolonged, it hit me.

It’s all a bit magical. Yes, ordinary, and also filled with much more wonder, much more sacredness, than I usually pause to notice.

That energy that fills a room when you connect with other people over a new idea or a very old idea that ignites a common passion. Or that soul-deep solace that comes when someone looks you in the eye to let you know that they’re with you. Or maybe the lightness that comes with a sideways glance and sarcastic wit.

The beauty of connection. We know we need it. Our soul knows it, the studies tell us we need it; for our health, our happiness, for our spirit to thrive.

And, yet, how often do I actually take a look around at the usual people in the usual places and notice how profoundly sacred and wonder-filled they are and how profoundly mystical and dynamic is the connection that occurs between us?

We are shaped by one anothers’ minds, physiology, and souls. What a profound reality. What a beautiful privilege.

Social Distancing

So often disruption is the predicate for transformation.

For me, the disruption of my usual rhythm with the usual people is transforming my view of my usual life, of everyday social interactions. The world is abuzz with the sacred energy of eternal souls relating and healing and hoping and encouraging.

May I, and may we, have eyes to see that that is the profoundly enchanted and privileged reality we get to live in, day in and day out. And that it is anything but ordinary.

Are you tired of being sold a broken brand of beauty?

The brand of beauty we are so often sold as women is way too small. It divides and dis-integrates us. I am on a mission to expand and re-discover beauty, authentic beauty. I believe beauty is the life of God at work in us and among us. Will you join me in exploring that kind of beauty?

Sign up and follow along on my journey. Let’s re-define beauty. Together.